403 error on a page edit

We recently upgraded from 2023.9.1 to 2023.9.4

I’m getting a 403 error when trying to edit a page.

The error only seems to occur if I have 2 metrics drawing data from the same module. Remove the 2nd metric, and the page can be updated.

I’m not sure if this is a bug, or some missing config?

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@jfortun any idea? Sounds like a random bug so it probably shouldn’t be that big of a deal to resolve.
Does the 403 happen when you try to save the page or when you’re viewing it?

The error occurs when attempting to save the page. No error to view.

I would appreciate either a gif/video of the issue, detailed recreation steps. Or maybe a page export.
Otherwise its hard to recreate/fix.

Issue resolved. The 403 was caused by our Load Balancer, not Corteza.


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Glad to hear
If there is any info that would help anyone else in the future experiencing something similar, do note it down/edit your post please.
Closing for now.