Auth URL not formatting correctly

Hey everyone,

I am trying to deploy behind gregsymons/docker-nginx-proxy which currenty hosts multiple applications in their separate “folders”.

I am having a problem with the oauth URL putting the folder name in it but the others seem to be working.



this one isn’t putting “corteza” in it. same for the callback.

is there a BASE URL setting I am missing to get that folder inserted?

Any help appreciated.


Hi Albert,

I trust you are well.

There should be .env configs to support this else it would have to be troubleshoot further.
I have found some users on the forum with similar issues, potentially you could find this useful.
Please see link 1 link 2

I hope this helps!

kind regards

Thank you kindly for the response. Unfortunately they didn’t really help.
I also did a get pull and now the pages that were working are no longer so I may be dead in the water.
Have a great day.

Here are all the env variables you can use. The DOMAIN and HTTP_BASE_URL is probably what you’re looking for.

Hi @albertl ,

you can try using the AUTH_BASE_URL env variable as:
