we are trying to upgrade corteza version 2021.3.11 to 2022.3.0
CRM admin not working when we enable HTTP_WEBAPP_ENABLED=true
Error log as below
server_1_cf17259bc90e | 16:16:32.868 INFO initializing store {âpathâ: â/data/composeâ}
server_1_cf17259bc90e | 16:16:32.872 DEBUG reloading API Gateway routes and functions {âcountâ: 0}
server_1_cf17259bc90e | 16:16:32.872 DEBUG registering routes {âcountâ: 0}
server_1_cf17259bc90e | 16:16:32.872 DEBUG corredor watcher initialized
server_1_cf17259bc90e | 16:16:32.872 DEBUG workflow.session watcher initialized
server_1_cf17259bc90e | 16:16:32.872 DEBUG monitor watcher initialized {âintervalâ: â5m0sâ}
server_1_cf17259bc90e | 16:16:32.872 DEBUG scheduler starting {âdelayâ: â27.127704646sâ, âintervalâ: â1m0sâ}
server_1_cf17259bc90e | 16:16:32.881 INFO auth auth server ready {âAUTH_BASE_URLâ: âadmin.flowzstaging.tk/authâ, âAUTH_EXTERNAL_REDIRECT_URLâ: âadmin.flowzstaging.tk/auth/external/{provider}/callbackâ}
server_1_cf17259bc90e | 16:16:32.882 DEBUG auth setting changed {âlocalEnabledâ: true}
server_1_cf17259bc90e | 16:16:32.882 DEBUG auth setting changed {âsignupEnabledâ: true}
server_1_cf17259bc90e | 16:16:32.882 DEBUG auth setting changed {âemailConfirmationRequiredâ: true}
server_1_cf17259bc90e | 16:16:32.882 DEBUG auth setting changed {âpasswordResetEnabledâ: true}
server_1_cf17259bc90e | 16:16:32.882 DEBUG auth setting changed {âexternalEnabledâ: true}
server_1_cf17259bc90e | 16:16:32.882 DEBUG service.settings registering new settings change listener {âprefixâ: âauth.â}
server_1_cf17259bc90e | 16:16:32.882 DEBUG service.settings registering new settings change listener {âprefixâ: âresource-translations.languagesâ}
server_1_cf17259bc90e | 16:16:32.882 INFO http starting HTTP server {âpath-prefixâ: â/â, âaddressâ: â0.0.0.0:80â}
server_1_cf17259bc90e | 16:16:32.882 INFO auth running startup garbage collection
server_1_cf17259bc90e | 16:16:32.882 INFO auth starting garbage collecting process {âintervalâ: â15m0sâ}
server_1_cf17259bc90e | 16:16:32.882 ERROR could not preload application index HTML {âerrorâ: âopen webapp/public/admin/index.html: no such file or directoryâ}
server_1_cf17259bc90e | 16:16:32.882 ERROR could not preload application index HTML {âerrorâ: âopen webapp/public/compose/index.html: no such file or directoryâ}
server_1_cf17259bc90e | 16:16:32.882 ERROR could not preload application index HTML {âerrorâ: âopen webapp/public/workflow/index.html: no such file or directoryâ}
server_1_cf17259bc90e | 16:16:32.882 ERROR could not preload application index HTML {âerrorâ: âopen webapp/public/reporter/index.html: no such file or directoryâ}
server_1_cf17259bc90e | 16:16:32.882 ERROR could not preload application index HTML {âerrorâ: âopen webapp/public/index.html: no such file or directoryâ}
we tried with locally but it show CORS policy error occered
corteza-webapp-compose:2022.3.0 version
Access to XMLHttpRequest at âadmin.flowzstaging.tk/auth/oauth2/default-clientâ from origin âhttp://â has been blocked by CORS policy: The âAccess-Control-Allow-Originâ header contains multiple values â127.0.0.1:8080, *â, but only one is allowed.