Hi, I am trying to build from source using the make file provided by running “make build”, however running into the following error. Looks like the command gcc is missing in the commands folder? Any help/guide? I want to create a standalone executable for Windows environment.
make build
GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 go build -ldflags "-X github.com/cortezaproject/corteza/server/pkg/version.Version=2023.9.1 " -o build/corteza-server-2023.9.1-windows-amd64.exe cmd/corteza/main.go
cgo: C compiler “gcc” not found: exec: “gcc”: executable file not found in %PATH%
system\commands\users.go:121:46: cannot use syscall.Stdin (variable of type “syscall”.Handle) as int value in argument to terminal.ReadPassword
system\commands\users.go:233:45: cannot use syscall.Stdin (variable of type “syscall”.Handle) as int value in argument to terminal.ReadPassword
make: *** [build/corteza-server-2023.9.1-windows-amd64.exe] Error 1