Can i remove docker from corteza ? Please suggest

How to remove docker from corteza because i want to deploy it on server

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you can find source here : GitHub - cortezaproject/corteza: Low-code platform
Then compile and run it on your local server

Can u suggest me please how to compile i tried many time but it is not working

Set environment to dev and execute command make watch on directory /server

How to set the environment to dev can u suggest please.

You can copy the server from a running container and use it locally:

Syntax: docker cp -r <containerId>:/path/to/directory /path/on/host
or docker cp <containerId>:/path/to/file /path/on/host

Example (copies to current directory):

docker cp corteza_server_1:/corteza/bin/corteza-server .
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You can do it also by recompiling every app like it’s specified here in github actions.

Unless you want to modify/contribute to the code, I don’t recommend it.

Server deployment with docker is detailed here :

i runned the server but when i completed signup and login it is not going to the home directory.

You might want to check the dockerfile and make sure your environment is similar.

How to make changes in UI

When i want to go to home screeen using my name Anshul Kumar it is reverting me to landing page
in corteza server directory 2023.3

{“level”:“warn”,“ts”:1690350403.1305716,“msg”:“You’re using SQLite as a storage backend”}
{“level”:“warn”,“ts”:1690350403.1305957,“msg”:“Should be used only for testing”}
{“level”:“warn”,“ts”:1690350403.1305976,“msg”:“You may experience instability and data loss”}
{“level”:“warn”,“ts”:1690350403.5364842,“msg”:“no SMTP servers found, email sending will be disabled”}
{“level”:“warn”,“ts”:1690350403.5380492,“msg”:“Environmental variables (APIGW_) and integration gateway settings (most likely changed via admin console) are not the same. When server was restarted, values from environmental variables were copied to settings for easier management. To avoid confusion and potential issues, we suggest you to remove all APIGW_ variables”}
{“level”:“warn”,“ts”:1690350403.540236,“logger”:“http.apigw”,“msg”:“profiler enabled only for routes with a profiler prefilter, use global setting to enable for all (APIGW_PROFILER_GLOBAL)”}
{“level”:“warn”,“ts”:1690350403.5403652,“logger”:“http.apigw”,“msg”:“profiler enabled only for routes with a profiler prefilter, use global setting to enable for all (APIGW_PROFILER_GLOBAL)”}
{“level”:“warn”,“ts”:1690350403.5404513,“logger”:“http.apigw”,“msg”:“profiler enabled only for routes with a profiler prefilter, use global setting to enable for all (APIGW_PROFILER_GLOBAL)”}

Showing sql lite database but i want to use postgres what i have to do

can anyone give me the solution please


Keep on it, I’m watching this thread to learn from it, and try to replicate similar tests. This helps with business-continuity.

This customizing and testing is a great way to validate if an ‘opensource’ is an open-source i.e modify-compile-run. After that support contract is good.

can anyone suggest please how to setup postgres

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