Hey there!
I am trying to connect to a MySQL( (/mariadb) server but am failing and seem to have hit a dead end with resolving the issue. I am wondering if someone might be able to provide any further insights.
I have added the connection and parameter type (in admin/connections)
and connection parameters
“dsn”: "mysql://{user}:{passwd}@{IP}:3306/{db}
(all {}-framed entries redacted of course
but am getting the message …
default addr for network ‘{IP}:3306’ unknown
(I suppose I could include the IP because it is intra, but haven’t)
The implementation is in a container on a VM in proxmox
but I have run a bash shell and confirmed (A) that I can ping, and (B) that I can connect with a MySQL CLI using {user}, {passwd} and (db}
might anyone in the community be able to shine any light?
Thx in advance
I can’t say without seeing the log. However, you can consider whether it is a mysql user permission problem, for example, the root account is not allowed to remote connection by default, only local connection.
Thanks for that feedback.
That’s the funny thing… there is no entry in the logs - other than my configuration changes.
Is there a setting that I can enable to ensure this activity is logged?
And no, I am not using the root account.
I have setup a crud user and am using it.
and have confirmed that I am able to connect to MySQL using CLI from within the docker instance.
I should add that the error seems to be from an IP stack level ‘connect’ interaction as opposed to a higher level MySQL permission issue.
Thinking through this, I wonder about the awareness within corteza of it’s IP interface. What does it think it is bound to? esp. since in a docker container alongside another container.