Dates display incorrect values

Here’s something else strange with the dates:

  1. In the below example, Date of Birth is selected as 5/31/2000.

  1. However, after the record is saved, the date displays as 6/1/2000.

Switching back to edit mode shows the date correctly as 5/31/2000, so the date is being stored in the database correctly (I think). I’m wondering if this has something to do with this issue:

Are these date only dates? If so there will be a fix for them in 2023.9.8

That’s correct. They’re data-only fields.

A question, if you change the date (to the same one), and then save the record. Does the same happen?

I did a little test set. The sequence is:

  1. Original date displayed
  2. Date that appears when Edit button is selected
  3. New date selected and saved
  4. New date displayed
  5. Date displayed when Edit button is selected a second time.

It looks like:

a. The date field subtracts one day when switching to edit mode. This is consistent across all cases.
b. If there is no change in the date, then saving the record results in reversion to the original (correct) date, and this displays in the record’s view mode.
c. If there is a change in date, then saving the record results in properly displaying the new date after the save and switch to view mode.

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Thanks for the report, it’s really helpful.

Will be fixed as part of this issue since its related Updating a record when you have no read permission but have update for a required field raises required error · Issue #1853 · cortezaproject/corteza · GitHub