Error updating existing record

Hello, I am adding a new role and permissions. I think I have the permissions set correctly, but I may be missing something. A user with my new role can copy and create new records but can’t save edits to existing records. When they click Save when trying to save edits to an existing record, they get an Error: Could not update record: check error messages on the form, however, there are no error messages displayed on the form.
I checked the Action Log and see an “invalid record value input” error

I have verified that no workflows are triggered for this module.
Can you give me any advice on how to debug this further? I would be happy to share a screenshot of my permissions set up if that would help.
Thanks a million

Here are the permissions I have set for this role:


Those errors are usually tied to required fields and field validators.
Check if you’re missing a required field, or one of your field validators isn’t working properly.

Hello Jfortun,
Thanks for the quick reply. Is there a way to see which fields have validators and which do not? Someone else did most of the module set up and I am not sure where they added validators.
Thanks again.

Hello jfortun,
Here is some new information from more testing I have done.
I gave this role permission to “Manage ownership of any record” and I no longer get the error.

I can’t find this permission in the Corteza Permissions Administrator Guide or any other documentation.
I am not sure how Corteza handles record ownership, but I am guessing when a user edits a record they become the owner of it.
If you can point me to any documentation related to the “Manage ownership of any record” permission or how record ownership is handled, I would appreciate it. I want to make sure I am not giving this. role more permissions than they need.

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Regarding the validators question, no unfortunately there is no overview.
The way to view it is per module under module editing Unique Values tab, which takes care of duplicate values in records. The other way is by inspecting the module fields and checking the Validation tab where those are defined.

Ownership management is tied to being able to manipulate the ownedBy field of the record and nothing more. By default this field is the creator of the record, if that user doesn’t have permission to manage ownership, it should default to null. I’ll check if there is a bug regarding that if its false which prevents saving of records.
Thanks for reporting it!

Confirming there is a bug, the field is prefilled when the user doesn’t have the permission to manage that, which then triggers the error you experienced(because server rejects ownership update) will fix it in an update to 2023.9.7.

Permissions that need to be allowed if you want to edit an existing record:

  • Module permissions
    • Read module
  • Record permissions
    • Read records of module
    • Update records of module
  • Field permissions
    • Read record field
    • Update record field

When it comes to managing the ownedBy field you need the above plus

  • Module permissions
    • Manage owner when creating record (only checked on record create)
  • Record permissions
    • Manage owners of module