Getting localhost/auth after clicking login using Traefik

Hey there. Some frustration setting up instances of open source projects in my environment I am used to, but this is my champion. No information to be found on the errors I get. I may be the first one, though corteza is not my first one. She’s a winner.

Let’s start with this, the first messages of my ‘server’ (corredor & webserver?):
{“level”:“warn”,“ts”:1690641554.7411294,“msg”:“You’re using SQLite as a storage backend”}
{“level”:“warn”,“ts”:1690641554.7413898,“msg”:“Should be used only for testing”}
{“level”:“warn”,“ts”:1690641554.7414382,“msg”:“You may experience instability and data loss”}
{“level”:“warn”,“ts”:1690641556.018052,“msg”:“no SMTP servers found, email sending will be disabled”}

That is very strange since to begin with, I am using postgres in the way it is being described in the DevOp documentation. It gave some hickups I was able to solve but postgresql starts and is ready for a connection. I guess I can also see no connection is being made:

PostgreSQL Database directory appears to contain a database; Skipping initialization
2023-07-29 14:39:14.315 UTC [1] LOG: starting PostgreSQL 13.11 (Debian 13.11-1.pgdg120+1) on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (Debian 12.2.0-14) 12.2.0, 64-bit
2023-07-29 14:39:14.315 UTC [1] LOG: listening on IPv4 address “”, port 5432
2023-07-29 14:39:14.316 UTC [1] LOG: listening on IPv6 address “::”, port 5432
2023-07-29 14:39:14.318 UTC [1] LOG: listening on Unix socket “/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432”
2023-07-29 14:39:14.324 UTC [28] LOG: database system was shut down at 2023-07-29 14:39:12 UTC
2023-07-29 14:39:14.334 UTC [1] LOG: database system is ready to accept connections

That’s it. Nothing else ever happens here. But former ‘msg’ is explanatory. For sure.

Next it is quite strange the start log of the ‘server(?)’, (–> by the way I had enough troubleshooting time to get a brief overview of corteza’s historic ways of building the Docker container & check the most recent dockerfile(s) to analyse if I could change something there. Which I don’t like if the ‘docs’ seem so professional, up to date and clear), this start states it can’t find an smtp server. Very strange. Other webapps use the same and find it flawlessly. So: did I use the .env file the right way? Well; I added the info as it was explained in the devop docs and I must say: the VERSION= , from the .env works perfectly. (Unless I change the .env file’s name. If I do that docker-compose doesn’t want me start up with a clear log message).

But let’s say I don’t want to work with email. Then newly created users are marked active by default. So let’s try to login. The url mentioned in the .env takes me to http://localhost/auth/oauth2/xxxxx. Useless. My w10 IIS doesn’t know anything. And I can’t find anywhere where I ask for any local address. Maybe this is where Traefik misses something that nginx would find. Very unfortunate I can’t find anything about this eratic behavior except something about the oauth implementation that could be called recent. Maybe that is a lead?

Funny enough going to, I DO go to the login page. So there is some webserver running to serve me that page (it makes me happy). But logging in is impossible. A glitch in the login page is all I get. From login page to login page. *glitch

Well. A very short new topic compared to everything I tried to figure out how this app is meant to be served out. I hope there are some people here with enough knowledge of the main system to find out with me why .env variables don’t seem to be picked up ( at least some don’t) and how using Traefik influences the way I should get to a working first install.

For sur: Many Thanks in advance!

P.S. seems to tell a different story (especially about the email)
PASS Scheduler
PASS Corredor
PASS Primary store
PASS ObjectStore/System
PASS ObjectStore/Compose

Now looking at the webapp Dockerfile. I think I will have to start creating Dockerfiles myself. Not sure yet, but what I see is that nginx is not just used as reverse proxy. Then again, I am just learning to speak as a developer. I probably don’t make it sound correct.