How can I run corteza monorepo at local both server and client at the same time?

Iā€™ve clone this repo GitHub - cortezaproject/corteza: Low-code platform, run make dev. Everything is done, but I cannot start it in dev mode. Iā€™m not familar with go.

  1. How can I start it as local example with docker-compose?
  2. How can I build whole repo into docker compose image as image: cortezaproject/corteza:${VERSION} in local example?
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Have you looked at DevOps Guide :: Corteza Docs ?

If you donā€™t need to run it from source code, Iā€™d suggest you run it via the instructions above.
Else, please elaborate on the ā€œcannot start it in dev modeā€; errors?


Hmmm, I need to run it from source code to customize it for my team as need.

About the ā€œcannot start it in dev modeā€, Iā€™ve run ā€˜make serveā€™ for the server, and run yarn dev for each client webapp (admin, compose, workflow,ā€¦), but still not get how to run them in one port or connect them together like above instruction.

And I also need to build it become docker images like above instruction to deploy into our server.

Thank you for your supporting.

Best regards