How to change the branding on Login and Logout Screens?

By using Settings in Admin Area I managed to change the background of the Login screen. But the text that shows up on top of the Login forms is CORTEZA. I want to change this to Yogi Yang & Co.

The Log out screen.

How to change these?


This is where this is described. You have to change the auth assets

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Hi @jfortun

I tried the steps in the blog

when I go to http://localhost:18080/auth/dev i see a grey screen

Is there any other way to change the logo please

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Hey, im not sure what your configuration is.
But the easiest way to do it is via the auth screen CSS in the Admin Panel Auth settings (bottom of page)

Something like this should do the trick

.auth .header .text-center a {
.auth .header .text-center {
  height: 100px;
  background: url("Your logo URL here") no-repeat center;

Thanks this worked for me.

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