Initial admin account has no rights after first install

i created a new instance with this compose:

version: '3.5'
    container_name: crm1
    image: cortezaproject/corteza-server:2021.3
    restart: always
      - site-data:/data
      DOMAIN : ${DOMAIN}
      DB_DSN : dbuser:dbpass@tcp(db:3306)/dbname?collation=utf8mb4_general_ci
      #LOG_DEBUG : "true"
      #LOG_LEVEL : "DEBUG"
      HTTP_WEBAPP_ENABLED : "true"
      AUTH_JWT_SECRET : secret
      LETSENCRYPT_HOST : "test"
    depends_on: [ db ]
      - crmnet
      - traefik-public
        - traefik.enable=true
        - traefik.constraint-label=traefik-public
        - traefik.http.routers.crm-app.entrypoints=http
        - traefik.http.routers.crm-app.rule=Host(`${DOMAIN}`,`www.${DOMAIN}`)  ## Hier eure Domain eingeben ##
        - traefik.http.routers.crm-app.middlewares=https-redirect
        - traefik.http.routers.crm-app-secure.entrypoints=https
        - traefik.http.routers.crm-app-secure.rule=Host(`${DOMAIN}`,`www.${DOMAIN}`) ## Hier eure Domain eingeben ##
        - traefik.http.routers.crm-app-secure.tls=true
        - traefik.http.routers.crm-app-secure.tls.certresolver=le
        - traefik.http.routers.crm-app-secure.service=crm1

    image: percona:8.0
      - db-data:/var/lib/mysql
      MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: crmpass
      MYSQL_DATABASE: dbname
      MYSQL_USER: dbuser
      MYSQL_PASSWORD: dbpass
    restart: always
      - crmnet
    healthcheck: { test: ["CMD", "mysqladmin" ,"ping", "-h", "localhost"], timeout: 20s, retries: 10 }
    external: true


and on creating the first account, which has the admin role:

there is no settings or other site which should be present in the admin interface for admins.

and i cant change any settings in any of the system sites.

heres the sql dump if it helps

mysql> SELECT * from roles;
| id                 | name           | handle     | archived_at | created_at          | updated_at | deleted_at |
|                  1 | Everyone       | everyone   | NULL        | 2021-09-13 10:57:03 | NULL       | NULL       |
|                  2 | Administrators | admins     | NULL        | 2021-09-13 10:57:03 | NULL       | NULL       |
| 248809172957731075 | Federation     | federation | NULL        | 2021-09-13 10:57:04 | NULL       | NULL       |
| 248809173091883267 | Developers     | developers | NULL        | 2021-09-13 10:57:04 | NULL       | NULL       |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> SELECT * from rbac_rules;
| rel_role           | resource                             | operation          | access |
|                  1 | compose                              | access             |      1 |
|                  1 | compose:chart:*                      | read               |      1 |
|                  1 | compose:module:*                     | read               |      1 |
|                  1 | compose:namespace:*                  | read               |      1 |
|                  1 | compose:namespace:248809173125634307 | delete             |      0 |
|                  1 | compose:namespace:248809173125634307 | module.create      |      1 |
|                  1 | compose:namespace:248809173125634307 | read               |      1 |
|                  1 | compose:page:*                       | read               |      1 |
|                  1 | system:application:*                 | read               |      1 |
|                  1 | system:auth-client:*                 | authorize          |      1 |
|                  1 | system:role:*                        | read               |      1 |
|                  1 | system:template:*                    | render             |      1 |
|                  1 | system:user:*                        | read               |      1 |
|                  1 | system:user:*                        |       |      1 |
|                  1 | system:user:*                        |        |      1 |
|                  2 | automation                           | access             |      1 |
|                  2 | automation                           | grant              |      1 |
|                  2 | automation                           |    |      1 |
|                  2 | automation                           |    |      1 |
|                  2 | automation                           | workflow.create    |      1 |
|                  2 | automation:workflow:*                | delete             |      1 |
|                  2 | automation:workflow:*                | execute            |      1 |
|                  2 | automation:workflow:*                | read               |      1 |
|                  2 | automation:workflow:*                | sessions.manage    |      1 |
|                  2 | automation:workflow:*                | triggers.manage    |      1 |
|                  2 | automation:workflow:*                | update             |      1 |
|                  2 | compose                              | access             |      1 |
|                  2 | compose                              | grant              |      1 |
|                  2 | compose                              | namespace.create   |      1 |
|                  2 | compose                              | settings.manage    |      1 |
|                  2 | compose                              |      |      1 |
|                  2 | compose:chart:*                      | delete             |      1 |
|                  2 | compose:chart:*                      | read               |      1 |
|                  2 | compose:chart:*                      | update             |      1 |
|                  2 | compose:module:*                     | delete             |      1 |
|                  2 | compose:module:*                     | read               |      1 |
|                  2 | compose:module:*                     | record.create      |      1 |
|                  2 | compose:module:*                     | record.delete      |      1 |
|                  2 | compose:module:*                     |        |      1 |
|                  2 | compose:module:*                     | record.update      |      1 |
|                  2 | compose:module:*                     | update             |      1 |
|                  2 | compose:namespace:*                  | chart.create       |      1 |
|                  2 | compose:namespace:*                  | delete             |      1 |
|                  2 | compose:namespace:*                  | manage             |      1 |
|                  2 | compose:namespace:*                  | module.create      |      1 |
|                  2 | compose:namespace:*                  | page.create        |      1 |
|                  2 | compose:namespace:*                  | read               |      1 |
|                  2 | compose:namespace:*                  | update             |      1 |
|                  2 | compose:page:*                       | delete             |      1 |
|                  2 | compose:page:*                       | read               |      1 |
|                  2 | compose:page:*                       | update             |      1 |
|                  2 | federation                           | access             |      1 |
|                  2 | federation                           | grant              |      1 |
|                  2 | federation                           | node.create        |      1 |
|                  2 | federation                           | pair               |      1 |
|                  2 | federation                           | settings.manage    |      1 |
|                  2 | federation                           |      |      1 |
|                  2 | federation:module:*                  | manage             |      1 |
|                  2 | federation:module:*                  | map                |      1 |
|                  2 | federation:node:*                    | manage             |      1 |
|                  2 | federation:node:*                    | module.create      |      1 |
|                  2 | system                               | access             |      1 |
|                  2 | system                               | application.create |      1 |
|                  2 | system                               | authClient.create  |      1 |
|                  2 | system                               | grant              |      1 |
|                  2 | system                               | reminder.assign    |      1 |
|                  2 | system                               | role.create        |      1 |
|                  2 | system                               | settings.manage    |      1 |
|                  2 | system                               |      |      1 |
|                  2 | system                               | template.create    |      1 |
|                  2 | system                               | user.create        |      1 |
|                  2 | system:application:*                 | delete             |      1 |
|                  2 | system:application:*                 | read               |      1 |
|                  2 | system:application:*                 | update             |      1 |
|                  2 | system:auth-client:*                 | delete             |      1 |
|                  2 | system:auth-client:*                 | read               |      1 |
|                  2 | system:auth-client:*                 | update             |      1 |
|                  2 | system:role:*                        | delete             |      1 |
|                  2 | system:role:*                        | members.manage     |      1 |
|                  2 | system:role:*                        | read               |      1 |
|                  2 | system:role:*                        | update             |      1 |
|                  2 | system:template:*                    | delete             |      1 |
|                  2 | system:template:*                    | read               |      1 |
|                  2 | system:template:*                    | render             |      1 |
|                  2 | system:template:*                    | update             |      1 |
|                  2 | system:user:*                        | delete             |      1 |
|                  2 | system:user:*                        | read               |      1 |
|                  2 | system:user:*                        | suspend            |      1 |
|                  2 | system:user:*                        |       |      1 |
|                  2 | system:user:*                        |        |      1 |
|                  2 | system:user:*                        | unsuspend          |      1 |
|                  2 | system:user:*                        | update             |      1 |
| 248809172957731075 | federation                           | access             |      1 |
| 248809172957731075 | federation                           | grant              |      1 |
| 248809172957731075 | federation                           | node.create        |      1 |
| 248809172957731075 | federation                           | pair               |      1 |
| 248809172957731075 | federation                           | settings.manage    |      1 |
| 248809172957731075 | federation                           |      |      1 |
| 248809172957731075 | federation:module:*                  | manage             |      1 |
| 248809172957731075 | federation:module:*                  | map                |      1 |
| 248809172957731075 | federation:node:*                    | manage             |      1 |
| 248809172957731075 | federation:node:*                    | module.create      |      1 |
| 248809173091883267 | automation                           | access             |      1 |
| 248809173091883267 | automation                           | grant              |      1 |
| 248809173091883267 | automation                           |    |      1 |
| 248809173091883267 | automation                           |    |      1 |
| 248809173091883267 | automation                           | workflow.create    |      1 |
| 248809173091883267 | automation:workflow:*                | delete             |      1 |
| 248809173091883267 | automation:workflow:*                | execute            |      1 |
| 248809173091883267 | automation:workflow:*                | read               |      1 |
| 248809173091883267 | automation:workflow:*                | sessions.manage    |      1 |
| 248809173091883267 | automation:workflow:*                | triggers.manage    |      1 |
| 248809173091883267 | automation:workflow:*                | update             |      1 |
113 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> SELECT * from role_members;
| rel_role | rel_user           |
|        2 | 248809290381400323 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> SELECT * from users;       
| id                 | email                            | email_confirmed | username | name          | handle | kind | meta                                                                            | suspended_at | created_at          | updated_at          | deleted_at |
| 248809290381400323 | redacted            |               1 |          | redacted | bg     |      | {"securityPolicy": {"mfa": {"enforcedTOTP": false, "enforcedEmailOTP": false}}} | NULL         | 2021-09-13 10:58:14 | 2021-09-13 10:58:21 | NULL       |
| 248811479153776903 | redacted |               1 |          | test          | test   |      | null                                                                            | NULL         | 2021-09-13 11:19:58 | NULL                | NULL       |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

also afte creating a non admin account it seems that with the admin role i have exact the same rights as without it

This does not make any sense.
Were there any errors in the process of provisioning (1st run of corteza)

Does the situation improves if you restart the server?
With restart all RBAC rules are refetched. This should happen on interval anyway.

ok i think i fixed it. I don’t know what the actual error was but i wiped the docker stack and made a new one with a different name. There must have been something hanging around in the old stack when I redeployed it .I deleted both volumes and hence all perisiting data and that might have been not enough dunno why on the deploy where the error came