inputValue argument on Single Input Prompt

Is the inputValue argument supposed to pre-fill the input box on the Single Input prompt in Workflows? If not, is there a way to pre-fill a string value on an input prompt?

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Did you find out how to prefil the input prompt or what the inputValue does?

I can see it’s not being respected properly. I will fix it and update 2023.9.9 with it.
It should be available by EOD.

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I just pulled the new 2023.9.9 docker image and I’m still unable to prefil a prompt.
My inputValue is “2024-12-10” and my type is date. When I run the workflow, the date field works and I can use the value I input, but it’s not prefilled.

Weirdly, when I change type to text or leave it empty, I’m unable to write anything in the input field.

Hey, thanks for letting me know. I forgot to release the package responsible for that…
It should be good now, can you try again?