you are doing a really grat work with this software, and also UX is very good designed.
Becouse I worked with my team on the topic of list management in past monthes I want to share some ideas that I hope will be usefull for the project:
1 - the trend of business software is give more importance to list than record view, becouse make user experience faster. Thats why some like monday.com or similar have great success and sometimes are used also as basic CRM / case management
2 - list view should allow to input data directly from the list
3 - when i need to enter to the record to have full information i should not lose list positioning, so something like a modal is a good solution to have possiblity to work on record (in our case we open a strechable modal)
4 - if list have colum with reference to other module should work like in point 3, i should open e work the record without losing list positioning
These improvement after developed were extremely appreciated from our customers and can create a really improved customer experience.
Do you already analized them? Maybe you will work on them in next releases?