Log in on behalf of other user without entering credentials

Is there any way where User can login in to system (in new tab/window) on behalf of other user.
Use Case : I want to provide functionality to managers to login in to system on behalf of their junior employees and can see dashboard, listing etc and track activities in lower hierarchy.

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

Hello @deecor,

Corteza currently doesnā€™t have the ā€œimpersonateā€ / ā€Magic linkā€ feature. Currently there is no other way of accessing their account except through using their credentials.

@KVAE Thanks for your reply. I found some functions in Corteza code related to ā€˜impersonateā€™. Please see attached screenshot. Is there option to use them using workflow or UI for now or it is part of future releases ?

Hello @deecor , the feature would be coming out in a future release

@deecor The impersonate stuff youā€™re referring to is used in configuring auth client.
So in essence if you have an auth client with client_credentials and ā€œImpersonate userā€ set, the system will think that user is logged in when anyone logs in using that auth client.
More here Accessing Corteza :: Corteza Docs

@jfortun Thanks for information. But seems, it will not be useful for my use case. Do you have any idea how can I achieve this using workflow or any other process ?

@KVAE Any idea in which release we can expect this feature ?

Most likely in the next major release. No work has started on it yet