Multiple Filter Behavior in 2024.9.0

Hi Team! We’re seeing an unexpected behavior when applying multiple filters on a single column.

Here’s an example with filtering on one parameter across 2 columns - works great!

If I add a second filter to one of those columns, it appears to break. See below.

The ultimate goal with the second image above is to see a table with Matt Gale as the TAM and all of his engagements that have a delivery stage of “Data Collection Setup” or “Results Delivered”. Am I using that filter incorrectly? I’ve tried the following, but it’s not returning anything.

Any thoughts/guidance is very welcome! Thanks again!

Hey, try having both Delivery Stage in the first group, and just the TAM is equal to Matt Gale in the second. Similar to this.

There is currently a bug as you mentioned with the way you did it in the second image (which is the way it should be done)

Hey @jfortun ! Thanks for the quick response here. That set-up indeed worked.

Something to consider as the team is addressing that bug - Last year you unlocked the ability for users to reference a record list from multiple charts, which is fantastic from a dashboard usability perspective, but if you force the OR between the 2 scenarios, it breaks the ability to have multiple selections from charts. e.g. in the example below, I clicked on Matt Gale on the TAM chart, and then I selected 2 different delivery stages that wanted to see on the Delivery Stage Chart.

Thank You Again!

The above example of the filter is the intended way it should work. So when this bug is fixed the drill-down will work, unless I’m missing something.

Fix will be in 2024.9.1

Ahh, sorry I misunderstood you! That’s amazing! Thank you again!