Number Format using comma for decimals and dot for thousands separators

Could be possible to have the option to use comma for decimals and dot for thousands separators when you define the number format?


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Hi Marc,

Unfortunately, this is not a configurable feature. Corteza often tries to implement as many standards as possible; this is not always possible, so we use the most commonly used or applicable. Please see the screenshot for the number formatting options.

If the values are stored as string β€œ1,000.123”, you could replace the required values using a replace function in the expression. ie replace(β€œ1,000.123” , β€œ,” , β€œ.”)this will return β€œ1.000.123”, searching for the last β€œ.” and replacing it would be the next step. However, I believe this to be too complex and won’t suit the use case.

Link to the field expression docs