Page Builder: Issues reorganizing Blocks

Hi Team,

Does anybody else experience issues with reorganizing blocks in Page Builder. Sometimes blocks don’t stick where I am trying to put them. Has anyone found any workarounds for it?

I have to try a lot of times before I get lucky.

Seems like I am unable to upload a video here, so I just uploaded it on youTube

Hi @ajaymatharoo

We have the same issue. I think it relates to the “weight” value (an integer) in the code. Our untested hypothesis is that if you are regularly adding, deleting or moving pages around, you can get situations where the same weight is applied to two different pages in a page hierarchy, and then Corteza doesn’t know what to do and sets its order (which appears random). We were going to create some spaces in the existing page weights in the DB (e.g. if a page weights 4, set it as 40) and then ensure that there are no weight conflicts to see if that resolves the issue …


Hi @mark ,

Thank you for your message. It does seem like the weight value could be causing the issue if the weights are not unique. I assume you have direct access to the PostgreSQL database where you can make such adjustments?

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Hmm noted, will take a look if it can be fixed for 2023.9.8



We ended up multiplying the existing weights by 100 in the PostgreSQL database to ensure that there was plenty of space between pages … it appears to have patched the issue for us.