Refresh page after input

Is there a way to refresh a page after user input in a workflow?

I have an automation button that changes data in a record and in turn changes a chart on the page. However, the chart does not change after the button press as the page does not refresh. I know that this can be done on a record page by redirecting the user to the record page, but is it possible on a main page?

You could try your luck with either:

  • Redirect user to an outside URL or
  • Redirect user to an internal application route

We’ll most likely add a prompt to reload specific record lists/charts/etc. to remove the need to refresh the whole page.
I’ve done a quick POC of it not so long ago so it will probably be added in one of the 2022.3 patch releases.

is there any update on the progress of this? i was looking at same functionality to refresh certain records after update through a workflow

This feature is implemented and will be available in the 2022.9 release

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