Hi! I’m working with a large table of data in Reporter. I see a “Next Page” and “Previous Page” at the bottom of the table (both of which are “disabled”). I’m wondering if this means that there is a way to enable some form of paging in there? Thank You!
Ohhhhhh. Ok, got it. Thank You Again!
I tried this thinking it might help with my printing issues, but when I set the limit to something greater than 0, I get a “failed to parse” error:
Failed to run report: parsing error: (((!isNil(Contacts___DLTR___AccountId) && 1 == 0) || Contacts___DLTR___AccountId > “380658627369304065”) || ((isNil(Contacts___DLTR___AccountId) && 1 == 0 || Contacts___DLTR___AccountId == “380658627369304065”) && (((!isNil(Contacts___DLTR___ID) && 1 == 0) || Contacts___DLTR___ID > 381195141702746113) || ((isNil(Contacts___DLTR___ID) && 1 == 0 || Contacts___DLTR___ID == 381195141702746113) && ((!isNil(Scholarships 2024___DLTR___ID) && 1 == 0) || Scholarships 2024___DLTR___ID > 381783024892706817))))) :1:419 - 1:426 unexpected Int while scanning arguments expected “)” or “,”
Not sure how or if I can fix this.
Sorry, forgot to mention that the error occurs when I click “Next”. The first page displays just fine.