Reporter: Paging?

Hi! I’m working with a large table of data in Reporter. I see a “Next Page” and “Previous Page” at the bottom of the table (both of which are “disabled”). I’m wondering if this means that there is a way to enable some form of paging in there? Thank You!

The limit in the table configuration determines the number of items per page

Ohhhhhh. Ok, got it. Thank You Again!

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I tried this thinking it might help with my printing issues, but when I set the limit to something greater than 0, I get a “failed to parse” error:


Failed to run report: parsing error: (((!isNil(Contacts___DLTR___AccountId) && 1 == 0) || Contacts___DLTR___AccountId > “380658627369304065”) || ((isNil(Contacts___DLTR___AccountId) && 1 == 0 || Contacts___DLTR___AccountId == “380658627369304065”) && (((!isNil(Contacts___DLTR___ID) && 1 == 0) || Contacts___DLTR___ID > 381195141702746113) || ((isNil(Contacts___DLTR___ID) && 1 == 0 || Contacts___DLTR___ID == 381195141702746113) && ((!isNil(Scholarships 2024___DLTR___ID) && 1 == 0) || Scholarships 2024___DLTR___ID > 381783024892706817))))) :1:419 - 1:426 unexpected Int while scanning arguments expected “)” or “,”

Not sure how or if I can fix this.

Sorry, forgot to mention that the error occurs when I click “Next”. The first page displays just fine.

@kmadsen - Just confirming that I’m seeing the same thing on this side.