Upgrading to latest version

Still having issues upgrading to the newer version of Corteza

I was wondering, would using an app like Portainer make the management of the container any easier?

No experience with it. What kind of management?

@darh to be honest, Im not sure, just struggling to figure out where the issue lies with the upgrade, I am still getting caught in the Auth loading loop

I have no experience with portainer either but I have seen a lot of people mentioning that it helps make container management easier

Have you tried using a different browser? Is it a local storage or cookie issue?

Did you set VIRTUAL_HOST and AUTH_BASE_URL properly?

@adammarshall yeah I hive tried different browsers and also different devices.

My virual host is set to - https://subdomain.domain.co.uk
Authbase URL I have tried various, currently and most often - https://subdomain.domain.co.uk/auth

Did you get a solution to this problem? I have the same problem.

No resolution as yet.
given up!

I had this once and it got fixed by setting the VIRTUAL_HOST and AUTH_BASE_URL properly…

Ive tried setting VIRTUAL_HOST and AUTH_BASE_URL based on what other have said but no joy

VIRTUAL_HOST: "https://corteza.domain.tld"
API_BASEURL: "api-corteza.domain.tld:18080/auth"

Thats “API_BASEURL”. It should be something like:

VIRTUAL_HOST: "https://corteza.domain.tld"
AUTH_BASE_URL : "https://corteza.domain.tld/auth"

Note : AUTH_BASE_URL and API_BASEURL is different

Thank you for responding, I will try this.

Sorry, I pasted the wrong domain in the above reply.

I had actually covered this in a previous response above

"@adammarshall yeah I hive tried different browsers and also different devices.

My virual host is set to - https://subdomain.domain.co.uk
Authbase URL I have tried various, currently and most often - https://subdomain.domain.co.uk/auth"

As far as I can tell, all urls are set properly