User Profile Layout: Minor Changes Possible?

Hi Team,

Is there option to make very minor adjustments to this layout? Like add a Text Blob, offer a link, etc?

This is not a direct answer to your question, but we have created a User module that contains a variety of fields. We then use workflows from the User module to create and update system users and to grant and remove roles. This avoids granting users access to the Admin section of Corteza while providing much greater flexibility over the data fields you can attach to a user and the resulting use cases.

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This used to work Personalize Authentication Screens :: Corteza Docs

But it hasn’t been maintained, so I have a feeling it doesn’t work anymore.
We’ll take a look and hopefully fix for the 2023.9.9 release.

EDIT: Here is the issue Fix custom auth templates · Issue #1872 · cortezaproject/corteza · GitHub

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Hi @mark
Thanks for the response, I’ve done the same, have a separate User module which has a one-one mapping to the actual users.

What I was actually looking for was you know how on most of online platforms, a standard way to get to your own User profile is to click Profile Pic Icon on the top right corner and it takes you to the user page. On that standard user page that corteza gives us, I wanted to add a link to go to the custom user record that I create. Hope that makes sense.

Thanks for the input @jfortun
Looks like it’s possible but needs dev work to implement it.