What is the Github Auth Assets repository link?

HI, So i have declared the car in my .env for AUTH_DEVELOPMENT_MODE=true and AUTH_ASSETS_PATH=/corteza/auth-assets but running the command corteza-server auth assets export /corteza/auth-assets it keeps saying command not found

I am at wits end now and have tried export corteza-server auth assets /corteza/auth-assets but then I get -bash: export: corteza-server’: not a valid identifier` So i dont know anymore.

Please give me the link for the assets of the public folder and template.

When i go to my websites $BASE_API_URL/auth/dev i get this report html/template: pattern matches no files: /corteza/auth-assets/templates/*.tpl``

Its oky I have found it, please update the documentation

Even after declaring the variables in the env and copying all the public and template files in the folder of auth-assets I still get the error when i go to my websites $BASE_API_URL/auth/dev i get this report html/template: pattern matches no files: /corteza/auth-assets/templates/*.tpl``

Please help

Hi can anyone assist please

@tjerman can you please help me why am I getting this error notification if you don’t mind?

Feel free to open up a pull request to the docs repo.

Where did you copy them to?
Did you mount a volume to your Docker container so the server can access the files?
Can you paste the file structure of how your Corteza project folder looks like?

No i didnt mount a volume, how do i do that?

The file structure is as follows

root@#:~# find . | sed -e "s/[^-][^\/]*\// |/g" -e "s/|\([^ ]\)/|-\1/"
 | |-authorized_keys
 | |-data
 | | |-server
 | | | |-system
 | | | | |-302727009178484731.png
 | | | | |-302726977435992062.png
 | | | | |-302726977435992063_preview.jpg
 | | | | |-302727009178484734_preview.jpg
 | | | |-compose
 | | |-certbot
 | | | |-www
 | | | |-conf
 | | | | |-options-ssl-nginx.conf
 | | | | |-renewal-hooks
 | | | | | |-pre
 | | | | | |-post
 | | | | | |-deploy
 | | | | |-keys
 | | | | | |-0002_key-certbot.pem
 | | | | | |-0005_key-certbot.pem
 | | | | | |-0003_key-certbot.pem
 | | | | | |-0006_key-certbot.pem
 | | | | | |-0001_key-certbot.pem
 | | | | | |-0004_key-certbot.pem
 | | | | | |-0000_key-certbot.pem
 | | | | |-accounts
 | | | | | |-acme-staging-v02.api.letsencrypt.org
 | | | | | | |-directory
 | | | | | | | |-8bf2827c39b4ca075334143e25557c15
 | | | | | | | | |-private_key.json
 | | | | | | | | |-regr.json
 | | | | | | | | |-meta.json
 | | | | | |-acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org
 | | | | | | |-directory
 | | | | | | | |-5f007eb06f79ebe4d1261765672d65d7
 | | | | | | | | |-private_key.json
 | | | | | | | | |-regr.json
 | | | | | | | | |-meta.json
 | | | | |-archive
 | | | | | |-voicechief.com
 | | | | | | |-cert1.pem
 | | | | | | |-fullchain1.pem
 | | | | | | |-privkey1.pem
 | | | | | | |-chain1.pem
 | | | | | |-ordortal.online
 | | | | | | |-cert1.pem
 | | | | | | |-fullchain1.pem
 | | | | | | |-privkey1.pem
 | | | | | | |-chain1.pem
 | | | | |-csr
 | | | | | |-0005_csr-certbot.pem
 | | | | | |-0006_csr-certbot.pem
 | | | | | |-0004_csr-certbot.pem
 | | | | | |-0003_csr-certbot.pem
 | | | | | |-0001_csr-certbot.pem
 | | | | | |-0000_csr-certbot.pem
 | | | | | |-0002_csr-certbot.pem
 | | | | |-renewal
 | | | | | |-ordortal.online.conf
 | | | | | |-voicechief.com.conf
 | | | | |-ssl-dhparams.pem
 | | | | |-live
 | | | | | |-voicechief.com
 | | | | | | |-fullchain.pem
 | | | | | | |-chain.pem
 | | | | | | |-privkey.pem
 | | | | | | |-README
 | | | | | | |-cert.pem
 | | | | | |-README
 | | | | | |-ordortal.online
 | | | | | | |-fullchain.pem
 | | | | | | |-chain.pem
 | | | | | | |-privkey.pem
 | | | | | | |-README
 | | | | | | |-cert.pem
 | |-.init-letsencrypt.sh.swo
 | |-docker-compose.yml
 | |-auth-assets
 | | |-templates
 | | | |-template-dev.htm.tpl
 | | | |-logout.html.tpl
 | | | |-pending-email-confirmation.html.tpl
 | | | |-oauth2-authorize-client.html.tpl
 | | | |-mfa.html.tpl
 | | | |-scenarios.yaml
 | | | |-signup.html.tpl
 | | | |-reset-password.html.tpl
 | | | |-change-password.html.tpl
 | | | |-sessions.html.tpl
 | | | |-security.html.tpl
 | | | |-profile.html.tpl
 | | | |-inc_footer.html.tpl
 | | | |-authorized-clients.html.tpl
 | | | |-create-password.html.tpl
 | | | |-mfa-totp-disable.html.tpl
 | | | |-mfa-totp.html.tpl
 | | | |-inc_nav.html.tpl
 | | | |-password-reset-requested.html.tpl
 | | | |-error-internal.html.tpl
 | | | |-inc_header.html.tpl
 | | | |-inc_toasts.html.tpl
 | | | |-login.html.tpl
 | | | |-request-password-reset.html.tpl
 | | |-public
 | | | |-script.js
 | | | |-style.css
 | | | |-fonts
 | | | | |-poppins
 | | | | | |-Poppins-Medium.ttf
 | | | | | |-Poppins-Bold.ttf
 | | | | | |-Poppins-Regular.ttf
 | | | | | |-Poppins-SemiBold.ttf
 | |-.docker-compose.yml.swp
 | |-.env
 | |-init-letsencrypt.sh
 | |-.env.swp
 | |-procps
 | |-motd.legal-displayed
 | |-share
 | | |-nano
 | | | |-search_history

Please note i have just changed certain credentials for security reasons.

Refer to here Use volumes | Docker Documentation
Make sure your volumes are mounted, and file structures match up to what we noted in the docs. If it continues to not work, let us know