Where can I find more info on workflow issuess?

I get an error: Test failed: 1 workflow issue found

The webconsole doesn’t have any interesting information:

HTTP request POST /api/automation/workflows/338387799407329284/exec
  "requestID": "b54b84b113e2/XejfQAXStN-000816",
  "method": "POST",
  "path": "/api/automation/workflows/338387799407329284/exec",
  "size": 65,
  "remote": ""
11:09:45.241Z	info	http.rest	HTTP response POST /api/automation/workflows/338387799407329284/exec
  "requestID": "b54b84b113e2/XejfQAXStN-000816",
  "method": "POST",
  "path": "/api/automation/workflows/338387799407329284/exec",
  "status": 200,
  "size": 47,
  "duration": 0.002347935

How can I find out what this issue is?

Admin panel, Automation sessions, filter by failed.
By inspecting the session the error should be there

As far as I know issue found means there is an actual issue indicated by the danger triangle on the workflow configurator.

Nope, there was no triangle issue. just the generic problem message and a failure. The workflow ui processing spinner kept going forever.

By lots of trial and error I figured it out. When exporting and reimporting a workflow it doesn’t preserve the “run by” field which is necessary for oninterval system triggers. The issue was that “run by” wasn’t set.

I’d consider this a bug… I can’t file an official GitHub bug report in the next few days tho so this might slip between the cracks.