White Screen After Login

Hi everyone,

I’m facing an issue where I get a white screen after logging into Corteza

I’m using the Dockerfile from the Corteza GitHub repository for version 2023.9.1 (corteza/Dockerfile at 2023.9.x · cortezaproject/corteza · GitHub)).

Here are the environment variables I’ve configured:

VERSION → 2023.9.1
ENV CORREDOR_ADDR “corredor:80”
ENV HTTP_WEBAPP_BASE_DIR “/corteza/webapp”
ENV PATH “/opt/dart-sass:/corteza/bin:${PATH}”
ENV DB_DSN “postgres://cortezxxxxa:Cortezaxxx@si-db-sxxtg.cozyzzzbi2ia9gb.ap-south-1.rds.amazonaws.com:5432/corteza?sslmode=disable”
ENV DOMAIN corteza-staging.remedoapp.com

The same setup works perfectly on localhost. However, when I deploy it with the domain, I encounter a white screen after logging in. Sometimes, it also redirects back to the login page.

also try with docker-compose getting same issue when i deploy with domain

Has anyone experienced a similar issue or could provide guidance on how to resolve this?

Thanks in advance!

If you can open the console and see what requests fail that would be helpful


Upon debugging, I found that the /default-client API is being called over HTTP, which causes the browser to block the request as the domain is on HTTPS. Can you help me understand why this is happening and how to resolve it

curl of API failing curl ‘Corteza’ \ -H ‘Accept: application/json, text/plain, /’ \ -H ‘Referer;’ \ -H ‘Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded’ \ –data-raw ‘code=YJGYOWEZZJATNZMXMY0ZNZI5LTLINZGTZTY4ZJE2NTNKMZLM&scope=profile+api&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fcorteza-staging.remedoapp.com%2Fauth%2Fcallback’

I would suggest asking chatGPT the same question and following its response.
If you’re using a reverse proxy (like NGINX), it might not be properly configured to redirect HTTP to HTTPS or to pass the correct scheme to the backend.

using this two variable solve my problem

ENV LETSENCRYPT_HOST “coteza.domain.in”

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