Branding of the site

We are setting up a Corteza server for a client and they really want it to have their logos, and they want the login page not to say Corteza and to remove the background image. We cannot find where this is done.


Thank you for your patience.

You can set the logo of the Corteza instance in the admin panel.

Would that be good enough?

I tried to change the logo in the same tab, but Corteza logo is still displaying.

Can you please help?

are there any updated docs?

Hi. This is quite an old post and a lot has changed :slight_smile:

The most recent documentation is here: Corteza :: Corteza Docs

The logo of Corteza is set in the admin panel:

This page might be interesting for you as well: Corteza Studio :: Corteza Docs

Hi @Lenny,

It is wonderful to see a Co-founder take so much interest in answering to user’s questions. This is a very rare scene, appreciate your support.

Coming back to the issues, I tried the above step, I still face the same issue.

Even after uploading the logo, the logo in the login and logout page is not changing

As you can see Corteza’s logo is still seen

Requesting your help and support

aa ok, yes. Those logos (login and logout) are in a different place. That’s explained here: How to change the branding on Login and Logout Screens?

I haven’t tried it myself yet, but I think you can use the Studio to modify the CSS and hide that layer (to hide the Corteza logo), and then use your logo in the background image.

thank you @Lenny for your swift reply

Yes I have seen the same post before and put my comments in the same post
I tried the steps in the blog

But when I go to http://localhost:18080/auth/dev i see a grey screen

Is there any other way to change the logo please?

Did you try my suggestion to play with the CSS?